简介:日日喃喃呼吸死亡氣息的人們,吞吐中,叨絮地喃喃自語起來……一對家庭美滿的教授夫妻、一對正開始享受退休生活的伴侶,一對相處時間可能跨不過第三年的父子,都同時聽見驟然臨身的倒數聲響。迥異的心境,竟悄悄地和他者產生若合符節的生命學習。他們日日咀嚼著,那些心底必須直面,沒有答案的題目。雖是一幕幕的暗瘂劇場,卻讓攝影機從縫隙中,窺視到那些愛與被愛的微光。Breathing the smell of death in and out, they murmur to themselves.An academic couple who lead a happy life with their children, an elderly man and his wife who are about to enjoy their life in retirement and a young father who is unlikely to celebrate his son’s third birthday with him. They all hear the countdown to the end of their lives; despite their different concerns, they are learning the same thing – how to live life.Every day they are confronted with the questions without answers. Amid the uncertainty and the shadows cast upon them, we capture the love and warmth between the loving and the loved.